This post has enraged the looney leftists, causing over 76 comments,
53 posted (even when a bit weird or non-sensical), and over 23 rejected due to profanity.
May wise Americans see these Looney Libs profanity speaks to the deficiency of their thought processes?
If deficient in thought here, why do we voters "give them a chance in the White House"? (eh, Rahm?)

Glenn Beck says it RIGHT, Arguing with... Liberals, or is the new word "Progressives"?
"...worst George Washington I have ever seen."
"...some kind of George Washington expert?"
"Why, this very Christmas Day, I saw a George Washington in person, on the beltway..."
"Alex on the Beltway,
I happen to know that the guy at Christmas you saw on the Beltway and the one today are the same George Washington!"

Alex_P says:
"...but google "James Manship" and I think you'll see... really might've been the same guy as the impersonator.
I am now officially FREAKED OUT."

A week and more later...
Is that just TOO MUCH FUN, ribbing these looney Libs?
ReplyDeleteGood grief, none of these people are the real GW , you do realise that right??
ReplyDeleteI think you've mistaken "freaked out" with "caused much laughter to." I mean, look at four foot nine George Washington again, isn't he at least a tiny bit funny? Whoa-ho! I just made a diminutive joke about George Washington!
ReplyDeleteI agree J R. But we need to get back to the serious business of Getting that Kenyan impeached.
ReplyDeleteYou do understand what Wonkette's raison d'etre is, right?
Needless to say, they win.
My comments didn't make the cut :(
ReplyDeleteThe *real* George Washington knew how to write in complete sentences.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry :(
ReplyDeletewow, "jr manship" doesn't get out much do you? i guess dressing up in fancy party clothes and googling yourself on the internet takes too much time for you to understand things like "humor" and sarcasm. maybe i'm wrong, your blog is a humor site right?
ReplyDeleteIt is so sad to learn the George Washington was a bottom.
ReplyDeleteNot looney. Just with a sense of humor. Y'all wingnuts should check into that sometime.
ReplyDeleteYou can't be realistic until you knock your teeth out and have dentures made of hippopotamus ivory and gold. Please commence and document your progress with pictures. We'll wait...
ReplyDeleteWhen do you guys start dressing up as squirrels and come scampering up our legs?
ReplyDeleteIn normal society, the only reasons for wearing a costume is Halloween or you've finally landed that minimum wage dream gig advertising for Mattress Wholesalers on the westbound side of Route 26. However, since you've upped the ante by hiring a faux George Washington to add a little panache to your political movement, liberals will have to respond with an Abraham Lincoln impersonator and a random transvestite who we'll call Martha.
Let the games begin!
ReplyDeleteYou guys robbed us from the loonie title a looong time ago.
Stoopid libs!!! They are so ghey. Gheys did not exist in colonial Times.
ReplyDeleteSir! I served with George Washington! I knew George Washington! George Washington was a friend of mind! Sir, you are no George Washington!
ReplyDeleteI think there is nothing more obvious and true than the fact that George Washington was a devout Christian, who wanted to fully integrate the government with the church. Naturally, he wanted his own religious beliefs to be as public as possible and not a personal matter in the slightest. Also, white Jesus dictated the constitution to Thomas Jefferson who definitely believed in all Christian dogma.
ReplyDeleteOh, I see now. The blog, the comments. All makes sense.
ReplyDeleteoh the irony...
ReplyDeleteHow would Anonymous 1:49PM know much of anything about what George Washington thinks?
ReplyDeleteMethinks I have studied the Great Man quite a bit more than Anonymous, and feel safe to say, George Washington is sitting back, smiling while thinking, Good Job! Keep ribbing those loons!
1:22 here, I might as well point out that I meant "make sense" in the "I can see where your delusion stems from" way. I just wanted to make sure I was smarter than you and dress it up so you posted with your approval.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous Feb 27, 2:40 PM
ReplyDeleteGheys? Is the proper spelling Gayg, pronounced like gag, for God created mankind with the gag-reflex, for rotten meat and rotten behavior, so to keep him healthy!
Actually, you are a pretty sad looking George Washington. You're too short, your teeth are made of wood, and slaves? Where are your slaves? Sorry man, bogus impersonation. C- at best.
ReplyDeleteOh, and you got the politics completely wrong.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 1:22, I expect you are smart, yet it is better to be Wise, like Washington, and those Patriots who study what he said and did, rather than what gubber-ment school books say... Also Cal Coolidge has some fitting wise words for you as smart one, or "genius"...
ReplyDeleteNothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
RoscoePColtraine said...
ReplyDeleteI mean, look at four foot nine George Washington again, isn't he at least a tiny bit funny? Whoa-ho! I just made a diminutive joke about George Washington!
Roscoe, Have you ever knelt in Prayer? If so, were you as "tall" as when standing? I expect not. In the Wonkette photo, the George Washington LIVE! living History re-enactor was kneeling, with his hands both clasped in prayer AND holding the corner of the Mount Vernon Statement signed by many great Americans.
Shall we say there was in that one photo, MUCH more than meets the eye -- when blinded by the liberal lights!
Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind.
ReplyDeleteDo animals have souls?
ReplyDeletePlease explain your Article 4 Section 4 reference. It states, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."
ReplyDeleteHas the Federal government failed to protect the States from the establishment of monarchies or other non-republican forms of government within their borders or has it failed to protect the States from invasion or insurrection? Did you even read the thing?
March 1, 2010 2:08 PM Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhy are you hugging that child until her head falls off?
Smart people, including children whose minds have not been made mush by liberal lunatics, are RIGHT to adore George Washington (or anyone who knows enough about GW to teach about him), and so often rush to hug this GW. And a postscript. Two years later, just before Christmas, GW saw the same cute little girl, and her head is still there. Sorry, you assume too much...
Something tells me JR has done much kneeling in his time.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Washington fought with the Revolutionary army, to overthrow the government, right?
ReplyDeleteGeorge Washington was a liberal!!
Internally Valid said...
ReplyDeleteI think there is nothing more obvious and true than the fact that George Washington was a devout Christian, who wanted to fully integrate the government with the church. Naturally, he wanted his own religious beliefs to be as public as possible and not a personal matter in the slightest. Also, white Jesus dictated the constitution to Thomas Jefferson who definitely believed in all Christian dogma.
Internally Valid, You are half-RIGHT, well done. Yet Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in a.d. 1776. Jefferson was in France as our Minister during the Constitution Convention in a.d. 1787.
And Jefferson wrote to Dr. Benjamin Rush, "My opinions are very different from that anti-Christian system imputed to me..." and later in the same letter Jefferson wrote, "I am a Christian...".
Oh, by the way, Jefferson created the REPUBLICAN PARTY, not the "Democratic-Republican Party". That monstrosity and its descendant the Demoncrat Party is a creation of hysterical historians who inhabit academia.
Washington was a Federalist, and warned of both parties. So GW approves of the recent Tea Party illustration of a Minuteman Patriot grabbing the collar of a blue-suited elephant, and a brown suited donkey and tossing BOTH the RINO-Republican and the DEMON-Democrat out of the Government...Amen?
Jefferson created the REPUBLICAN party? Really? The Republican Party didn't come about as a 3rd party in response to the pro-slavery stance of the Whig party? It wasn't founded in 1854, 28 years after Jefferson's death?
ReplyDeleteYou are truly an historical scholar
It's hard to have a serious conversation about political theory or policy with people who seem hell-bent on merging remedial revisionist history and renaissance faire every time they go out in public
ReplyDeletehaha no
ReplyDeleteLiberal media told me George Washington owned slaves. How many slaves do YOU have, Internet George Washington?
Internet Richard Henry Lee
How come teabaggers and religious fanatics always forget Article VI, Section III in their rush to blow smoke about how the US is a Christian nation?
ReplyDelete"no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."
George Washington may have professed religion as a way of building up personal virtue -- yet neither he nor any of the founding fathers found it important enough to sully our bedrock document with. Let's keep it that way.
this dialogue, here in these comments, is the final destination of this american journey.
ReplyDeletefight on washington!!!
Isn't it interesting that the Federalist party's views most resemble those of modern "Demoncrats"? So, if Washington were alive today, wouldn't he be a "Demoncrat," or, at the very least, liberal-leaning?
ReplyDelete@G-dub, 2:47.
ReplyDeleteSelective quotation is selective.
It's amazing how often people use an obvious partial citation that elides all meaning from the actual thing that Jefferson wrote. The part you cited there, in the letter to Benjamin Rush, that begins "I am a Christian...", continues:
I am a Christian, in the only sense in which he wished anyone to be: sincerely attached to his doctrines in preference to all others, ascribing to himself every human excellence, and believing he never claimed any other.
Tell me, does your definition of Christianity include those who deny the divinity of Christ, such as Jefferson did?
And, yes, Washington was a Federalist, at such a time when that meant a belief in a strong and expansive federal government. Hell, one of his first actions as President was to put down a tax revolt- and you honestly think he'd have countenanced the Tea Party?
Funny, Jefferson also wrote to Rush on those who wanted to establish a national religion that;
ReplyDelete"the returning good sense of our country to threatens abortion to their hopes, and they believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly."
Come on fake George Washington. Get it together.
Perhaps here would be a good place to point out that the story of George Washington kneeling in prayer at Valley Forge is farcical, created amongst others by Mason "Parson" Weems in his "Life of Washington." Basically, he was out to make a buck by selling stories of the Great Man tailored to pander to the mores of a mass readership right after his death. He claimed to be the He was out to make a profit, and his stories were only loosely tied to the real George Washington. Ditto for stories like the apple tree and even his account of Washington's death. Weems claimed to have been the one time "Rector of Mount-Vernon Parish" because only locals realized that such a Parish did not exist in the Diocese of Virginia. I point this out because the picture on the right hand of the title bar is based on this farcical story. In a letter to John Adams, Benjamin Rush voiced his disgust "the impious application of names and epithets to him [Washington] that are ascribed to Scripture only to God and to Jesus Christ."
ReplyDeleteGeorge Washington was likely a Deist, who based his personal code far more on classical ideals of Stoicism than on any particular sect of Christianity. He was very reticent in discussing religious matters, and only engaged in the Episcopal vestry in a pro-forma way as was expected of a Virginia gentleman. He abruptly quit the vestry in when it became inconvenient to him to fulfill the role. It dishonors the man to publicize these known falsehoods.
The Devolutionist said...
ReplyDeleteSomething tells me JR has done much kneeling in his time.
March 1, 2010 2:40 PM
Indeed, like George Washington knelt in Prayer, so does JR. Try it, you may find it humbles you and empowers your thinking!
Is it true you double as a Tallulah Bankhead impersonator, in the evenings (history shows that General Washington was always abed early)?
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about those demoncrats, with their Social Security which everyone hates, their Medicare, like that does any good, their civil rights era tomfoolery (I don't see race), and their conquest of Hitler and Japan. The world would have been much better off without them and their king, FDR.
George Washington, like most of our greatest presidents, would hate modern Republicans. He warned against partisanship, indeed. In modern parlance, he might have said: "When the bill at hand is basically what you proposed a few years ago, don't vote against it for political gain, you bastards."
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteGood grief, none of these people are the real GW , you do realise that right??
March 1, 2010 10:49 AM
By the "real GW", you mean of course, God's Will? So in that, I do indeed live in GW... You can too, just kneel to pray to receive God's guidance in your life, so you can live in GW (God's Will).
P.S. Are you a Brit that spells a word "realise" rather than "realize"?
Demoncrat? Really?
ReplyDeleteI have no objection to you believing your version of history. I have no objection to your political beliefs, your right to protest or voice your opinions publicly, or your right to vote for and (hate to say it) elect the politicians you support. I'm sure I wouldn't agree with you on 99% of the issues out there.
But I would NEVER EVER EVER call you a demon, I wouldn't threaten you or your fellow-minded Americans with bodily harm, I wouldn't shake a gun at you or shoot at you and I wouldn't fly a GODDAMNED PLANE into your place of work.
And I'm what you and yours would call a "heathen," a woman, a democrat, a LIBERAL, and a well-educated and engaged member of this country which I love.
ALL I ask of Republicans is that they approach these discussions with some level of decorum. SERIOUSLY.
Demoncrats? Are you FIVE?
Awwww. The wittle George Washington didn't realize he was being made fun of. So the wittle George Washington used his wittle brain to try to fight back against the evil, evil sarcasm. The wittle George Washington apparently doesn't understand what the deafening sound of laughter means!
ReplyDeleteI Am George Washington
ReplyDelete"So GW approves of the recent Tea Party illustration of a Minuteman Patriot grabbing the collar of a blue-suited elephant, and a brown suited donkey and tossing BOTH the RINO-Republican and the DEMON-Democrat out of the Government...Amen?"
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell are you smoking? Here is what Washington said about taxes and public service:
"It may be laid down, as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every citizen who enjoys the protection of a free government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defence of it, and consequently that the Citizens of America (with a few legal and official exceptions) from 18 to 50 Years of Age should be borne on the Militia Rolls, provided with uniform Arms, and so far accustomed to the use of them, that the Total strength of the Country might be called forth at Short Notice on any very interesting Emergency."
I just love it when jokes go right over people's heads. Makes my life more amusing.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI Am George Washington
March 1, 2010 3:58 PM
Does that mean the army of Anonymous fighting Scientology is really a group of George Washington impersonators? But... but these guys are just too dim-witted!
somehow this started as something funny, and this gw person was kinda hilarious. But now it's kicking a little retard kid (it's ok, i don't come from your country so i can say "retard") who thinks he was a terrorist from the 18th C.
ReplyDeletei haz a sad now.
How about posting the whole quote, Mr. Manship?
ReplyDeleteTo the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed opposed, but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian, in the only sense in which he wished anyone to be: sincerely attached to his doctrines in preference to all others, ascribing to himself every human excellence, and believing he never claimed any other.
-Thomas Jefferson (emphasis mine)
In other words, Christ wasn't divine and never claimed to be.
There is clear evidence that since there was a great deal of discussion about making the United States a Christian nation (the phrase "separation of church and state" comes from one of his letters to a pastor discussing the issue), the fact that he omitted any reference to it in the Constitution itself probably points to the framers omitting it on purpose, don't you think? Although to conclude that one would have to actually look at history and draw conclusions based on the evidence there, rather than cherry-picking parts of it to support a preconceived notion, I suppose.
Greetings from Wonkette, by the way. A word of advice: when you wrestle with a pig, who looks more the fool- the pig? Or the moron who descended into the pig's environment to wallow in the mud? Leaving speculation as to your intellect aside for the moment, engaging a site which is meant to poke fun at the idiocies of modern movement conservatism in with an attempt at meaningful discourse is a bit like wrestling a pig, don't you think?
Given the state of your postings here and elsewhere, I doubt you do, much.
I'll be posting this over on Wonkette so at least everyone there will get a chance to see it, for I doubt it will show up on your web page anytime soon.
Enjoy your cosplay, sir.
Anthony said...
ReplyDeleteBut now it's kicking a little retard kid
Meh. Except this one picked the fight - and this one OUGHT to know better.
Then again, public schools sure sound socialist to me (doing WHAT with my taxes? I don't have kids, why would you put my taxes towards schools for other people's kids? Common good, smh!), so maybe he just never went to school. It would explain A LOT.
Tommmcatt Your comment is posted, thank you.
ReplyDeleteSome good points, except, why is it all the Libs think Thomas Jefferson drafted this Constitution when he was in France at the time?
I often post the partial quote, just so folks like you will post the whole quote. There is much more about Jefferson that you omit, however.
As a teen I went to Tallulah Falls School (so the Tallulah Bankhead comparison was funny) where after classes we "slopped the hogs", milked the cows, cut the grass, waxed the floors, and the girls did the dinner and the laundry.
That should get some of the Femme Libs into orbit!!
All is to say, I know a bit about pigs, and see in Libs lots of similarities!
Your response to Tommmcatt is somewhat (read: extremely) lacking. You're deflecting attention instead of actually responding. You have earlier made claims that Thomas Jefferson was a "Christian." Confronted with the whole of his quote on Christianity, and its implications, will you still claim to be in religious solidarity with a man who professed that Jesus was precisely 0% divine? I suspect he would not say the same of you.
ReplyDeleteAlso, you belittle his other main point based on a typo. I really do want to see you address it, so here it is, error corrected: "There is clear evidence that there was a great deal of discussion about making the United States a Christian nation (the phrase "separation of church and state" comes from one of his letters to a pastor discussing the issue), so the fact that the Framers omitted any reference to it in the Constitution itself probably points to them omitting it on purpose, don't you think?"
Oh, JR, you just made my day.
ReplyDeleteInternally Valid said... 'I think there is nothing more obvious and true than the fact that George Washington was a devout Christian, who wanted to fully integrate the government with the church... Also, white Jesus dictated the constitution to Thomas Jefferson who definitely believed in all Christian dogma.'
J R "States" Manship said... 'Internally Valid, You are half-RIGHT, well done. Yet Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence in a.d. 1776.'
That whooshing noise you hear so often? That's the sound of the joke (and the point) going right over your head.
Here ya go Georgie boy, a few helpful links, for your edumacation, from your friendly local Wonketteer:
"May wise Americans see these Looney Libs profanity speaks to the deficiency of their thought processes?"
ReplyDeleteMay wise Americans see that two idiotic wars that have plunged our country into debt from which it may never recover and served no purpose other than to make billionaires out of millionaires speaks to the deficiency of the conservative thought process?
May wise Americans see that the banner on your site which proclaims "Never Forget, Godly Nations Pray WITH others. God-less Nations Prey ON others." and seems to imply that America was attacked by a "god-less nation," when in fact no nation attacked it at all? Or did the "Liberal Media" pull a fast one on you by constantly putting the words 9/11 and Iraq in the same sentence until half the mongoloids in this country had no idea that Iraq DID NOT ATTACK THE U.S., but rather it was attacked by a rich Saudi prince (the same country, might I add that is a major funder of Fox news)
Of course, the "liberal media" being what it is, you know all about that (oh wait, you mean you don't? But your whole world view depends on your being oppressed by this mythical liberal media!)
ReplyDeleteSome good points, except, why is it all the Libs think Thomas Jefferson drafted this Constitution when he was in France at the time?
I don't think you will find educated people claiming that Thomas Jefferson wrote the constitution; that is a straw man argument meant to deflect criticism of your own obvious sophistry. You will note that I never made such an assertion. I do think it is fair to state that as the author of the Declaration of Independence he had a great deal of influence on what went into the Constitution, even when overseas. And simply stating that you "post the partial quote so folks like me will post the whole quote" is nonsensical, and doesn't rebut my point at all: Jefferson was, like many of the founding fathers, best described as a deist, and twisting his words to support your own narrow view is disrespectful at least and painfully ignorant at most.
You should look up the phrase "Chewbacca Defense", by the way. You use it. A lot.
But then, given your set of ideals, one would have to.
Incidentally, take my advice and leave the humor to the professionals, or at least those with a sense of it. While your story about the olden days with the milking and the corn-holing and the square-dancing at your improbably-named normal school likely kills them down at the VFW hall during the Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast, you should probably reserve it for the other septuagenarians who've lived through it and can appreciate it. And the pig thing? My seven-year-old nephew does it better, and with fewer words. Not going there with the jokes will probably keep you out of the home longer, though I can't say the same for the hat and cape.
Again, best of luck with the dress-up! Remember, the Depends go on the inside!
I'll cross-post this as well, just to keep you honest--or as honest as a historical revisionist gets, anyway. Perhaps you will let this post through, who knows?
JR, JR. You said you'd approve comments that didn't contain cursing, correct?
ReplyDeleteSo why didn't you approve my comment, where I copied your quote of Glenn Beck and pointed out that Beck recently claimed (at CPAC) that he taught himself by going to the library and reading - a library paid for by tax payer money, for the greater good, i.e. Socialist!
I don't see and cursing in that... or even any insults, like the ones you've tried to toss around to the commenters here/liberals/Democrats/women!
I demand to see this George Washington's birth certificate!
ReplyDeletei thought about trying to explain how you're never going to win against a bunch of federal-student-loan-and-otherwise-well-educated-by-our-commie-college-professors liberals who are NEVER going to engage you in anything but a childish, making-fun-of-you-way because they know you are just a childish not very thoughtful or informed person
ReplyDeletebut you wouldn't believe me, would you?
Dear Mr. Washington,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Kevin Rosenberg, I'm 9 and I am doing a report on you for my social studies class. I looked up your name on line and this is the website that I saw so I think that I can ask you questions here?
If you have time would you mind could you answer a couple questions for my paper?
Number 1
1) Is it true that you have wooden teeth? If you do, how did you make them? Are they made out of regular wood or what kind of wood?
2) Did you chop down a cherry tree? Mrs. Jenkins told us the story that you did but she said it is a tall tale and that it is just a tall tale that isn't true.
3) Is it true that you are so incredibly short that to this day you remain a virgin?
Anonymous said... March 1, 2010 3:42 PM
ReplyDeletePerhaps here would be a good place to point out that the story of George Washington kneeling in prayer at Valley Forge is farcical, created amongst others by Mason "Parson" Weems in his "Life of Washington." Basically, he was out to make a buck by selling stories of the Great Man tailored to pander to the mores of a mass readership right after his death. He claimed to be the He was out to make a profit, and his stories were only loosely tied to the real George Washington.
>Anon, your comments above are standard "talking points" but are deceptive. Today, looney lib Al Franken panders to "mass market", admittedly very successfully. Weems book was next to the Bible one of the best selling book for much of the first two decades of the 1800s.
Ditto for stories like the apple tree
> You mean the cherry tree? Actually read the appendix to All Cloudless Glory about that story likely being true. Its first appearance was NOT in Weems but in a eulogy by a relative of George Washington in February 1800.
and even his account of Washington's death.
>Lincoln's nephew, Tobias Lear, is the man most responsible for the record of the death of Washington. By the way, the Collingwood Library where the Mount Vernon Statement was signed by modern day Patriots, was where Lear lived when he served Washington.
Weems claimed to have been the one time "Rector of Mount-Vernon Parish" because only locals realized that such a Parish did not exist in the Diocese of Virginia.
> This is too funny. Mount Vernon is one district in Fairfax County. The Episcopal Parish in the Mount Vernon District is called Pohick Church. "Parson" Weems WAS the Rector at Pohick, though an "Interim Rector", who served longer as Interim than some "Regular" Rectors (Pastors) serve. Also, if you check Washington's journals, you will see Weems was mentioned three times, invited after church on one occasion.
I point this out because the picture on the right hand of the title bar is based on this farcical story.
>Here is where you are showing your anti-Christian bias, because the record of Washington kneeling in prayer is far more than one time.
In a letter to John Adams, Benjamin Rush voiced his disgust "the impious application of names and epithets to him [Washington] that are ascribed to Scripture only to God and to Jesus Christ."
>Rush was one founder of the American Bible Society, and he did not want people to think Washington was the Savior Arisen. Then again, did you see the British News item about Obama the Messiah? Too creepy to be funny.
George Washington was likely a Deist,
>You are showing your lack of honest education with that statement.
who based his personal code far more on classical ideals of Stoicism than on any particular sect of Christianity.
>Wrong again.
He was very reticent in discussing religious matters,
>Read Washington's letters during the war, such as to his cousin Thomas Nelson, where he writes "The hand of Providence... it will be time enough for me to turn preacher after my present appointment ceases."
and only engaged in the Episcopal vestry in a pro-forma way as was expected of a Virginia gentleman.
>Talking points... wrong again.
He abruptly quit the vestry in when it became inconvenient to him to fulfill the role.
>What is your source? When did this supposedly occur? Not so...
It dishonors the man to publicize these known falsehoods.
>You have dishonored both Washington and yourself with your spouting so many untruths.
Shame on you.
I suggest you read a little book you can download from Google Books by William J. Johnson, titled "George Washington The Christian". The Library of Congress for years had "lost it", I found it in 1998, and so it is now available there.
Washington was not a Federalist. He was not a member of any political party. You would think a Mini-George Washington would know that.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Washington fought with the Revolutionary army, to overthrow the government, right?
ReplyDeleteGeorge Washington was a liberal!!
March 1, 2010 2:39 PM
nice try, but modern Liberals mantra is "Tax and Spend, buy Votes..." Washington led a Revolution against Taxes, imposed by a Government that was NOT listening, much like B. Hussein nObama, NannyStateNancy, and HeistHarry. Time for a New American Revolution, to toss out the bums, BOTH RINO Republicans and DEMON Democrats.
By the way, Lucy, Congressman Charlie Bennett of Jacksonville, FL was a VERY FINE Democrat, who was a friend of mine. His Demon Democrat colleagues HATED him because he introduced and worked to pass the Ethics Committee legislation, and also bills against "Leadership PACs" where the Demoncrat leadership bought votes of other elected servants. I once wrote a "Dear Colleague" letter that ousted Les Aspin for a short time as Chairman of the Armed Services Committee.
ReplyDeleteAnd Democrat Mayor Joe Riley who was honored at the White House this week 23 years ago recognized the "Sea Scout" Constitution I produced for the Sea Scout Ship at the start of the Constitution Bicentennial Celebration in Charleston.
And if you can believe it, Jimmy Carter invited me to both this Governor and President Inaugural Balls because of my help to him. However, Carter employed too many Demon Democrats in his administration so his ship of state was sunk. After winning in 1976, but before being Inaugurated, one of Carter's aides spoke a sad TRUISM, "I will consider our administration a failure if we have the likes of Joe Califano and Cy Vance in the cabinet."
'Nuff said?
In all seriousness why do you Tea Party people have to have bizzare nicknames for everyone? Surely you don't actually think HeistHarry is clever right? We all know who Harry Reid is - and that you don't like him.
ReplyDeleteDear simple-minded, uneducated, unable-to-follow-a-simple-conversation, missing-the-point George Washington Impostor:
ReplyDeleteOn what planet do you spend most of your time? Trying to have a conversation with you would be like trying to argue with a dining room table.
you seriously mischaracterize 'modern Liberals'
ReplyDeleteif all you can think to say of us is we 'tax and spend' then you aren't being serious
what does that even mean? i know what it means but do you?
and then try to justify what's wrong with it.
at least liberals are smart enough to tax before we spend
unlike the right who hate taxes (for rich people) but love spending (on wars and rich people).
if you like laws, courts, civil police forces, armies, schools, highways, libraries, functional government. . . thank taxes
and why is it so wrong to spend tax money on governance?
God help you (yeah that God--I'm a flaming liberal and a raging Christian) if you ever suffer a debilitating injury that prevents you from working. Some filthy Liberal might come along and try to help you with disability benefits and treat you how they themselves want to be treated and do other similar ungodly acts.
What would your right-minded friends do? Probably tell you it's God's will that you can't work to feed your family.
All the Right has ever done with the Bible is thump it (which most monkeys can do). Try opening it up and deciphering those squiggles on the page.
I don't appreciate you stealing the same identity I stole. The Illuminati will be taking a VERY close look at you. You aren't a Mason by any chance, are you?
ReplyDeleteYou're wearing your wig as you respond to these comments into the wee hours of the night, aren't you? Get a job.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, aren't Wingnuts pretty handy, they hold pieces together without the need for a wrench, that some Lib is too likely to not know how to use so toss into the machinery to destroy the gears?
ReplyDelete- GW
P.S. And have to confess, the man who serves as Aide to GW, J.R. "States" Manship has wings to show he is "nuts", Navy Parachute wings for jumping out of "perfectly good" airplanes, and some say that act is "Nuts".
Greetings from GW...
ReplyDeleteAs Potater or Devolutionist posts above...
like George Washington knelt in Prayer, so does JR. Try it, you may find it humbles you and empowers your thinking!
Thanks for entertainment, though often insulting. What was the children's line? Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Thanks for taking time to read, and I pray learn a bit of Positive insight from the blog.
Jim Newell, and other fellow, why do you like the "original" Mount Vernon Statement, but not the "revision" Mount Vernon Statement of Statesmanship?
How about the part of Rule of Law vs. Rules of Law, (Who hath the gold makes the rules) and the injustice for poor black Americans that reality causes, that THIS Caped Crusader "George Washington" has worked for years to overcome? It takes a "WingNut Conservative" to care enough to DO something...
How about the Democrat prosecutor related to a former Democrat U.S. Senator who I have Police notes show was skimming money from drug dealers, and coerced an innocent man (Jeff Washington) into an Alford Plea to preserve his life - 15 years now in jail?
How about the judge who compared Washington to Adolf Hitler who I testified against and torpedoed his chances for promotion to the Court of Appeals?
How about this wingnut filing charges in federal court that forced four county judges to sign an Order of Disqualification?
How about the Demoncrat Arlington judge James Almond who steals a baby to give to a Eco-Green Al Gore Democrat Politically Correct (Corrupt) couple?
And how about the Cornell U. website where the "foster mother" brags about doing a witchcraft ritual in the same yard as the stolen child plays?
Yeah, Lucy, life is funny in Demoncrat land, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteYes, sometimes an animal will get a thorn in the sole of its paw, which causes a soulful sound to be heard...
And Anglican... Go to Saint Andrews Anglican Church on Monroe Street in Alexandria and you will see how "Deist" those folks are.
Yet far more, read the prayers that Washington penned at age 20 and you will see a man deeply devoted to God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Then further look at the three books on prayer that his father Gus gave to 11 year old George, when Gus died.
Your definition of Deist must be all-inclusive...
J R "States" Manship said...
ReplyDelete"How about the part of Rule of Law vs. Rules of Law, (Who hath the gold makes the rules) and the injustice for poor black Americans that reality causes, that THIS Caped Crusader "George Washington" has worked for years to overcome? It takes a "WingNut Conservative" to care enough to DO something..."
First, ol' GW sure WAS big on injustice to the black Americans,no?
Second, why do you fail to address the points brought up by others? I've seen numerous questions that you've simply answered with just the word "Wrong". Do you not understand the questions? We can take them down a notch, if it will help you to comprehend: GW = Pro-Tax. GW = Pro-Slave. GW = Anti-Party. Discuss.
Third, how much did you make on that Mt. Veron-esque Public Library gig anyway?
Gilbert Stuart.
OK (Campaign slogan for Martin Van Buren), last reply tonight...
ReplyDeleteSusan said...
Actually, you are a pretty sad looking George Washington. You're too short, your teeth are made of wood, and slaves? Where are your slaves? Sorry man, bogus impersonation. C- at best.
Oh, and you got the politics completely wrong.
Susan, far more folks than you say I look very much like the real George Washington. Try the side by side photo in the Truman Library...
Most historians are WRONG as to Washington's height, including David McCullough. Most say 6 feet 2 inches or 6 feet 4 inches. First, if either, which is correct?
Neither. First GW's doctor measured him to be 6 feet. Martha's grandson, George Washington Parke Custis wrote in his biography of Washington that the great man was "a shade over six feet". Yet most important is a letter from George Washington himself to his tailor in 1763 when he was 31 (before men begin to shrink in height), GW asking for a suit of clothes for a man of my height, to wit, six feet.
And slaves? On pages 53 to 61 of my book Second to None, some of Washington's quotes, and actions, against slavery are shared. You should read it, you could learn a lot. Go to
On the teeth issue, Google Wooden Teeth Washington and Washington Times, to see where Inside the Beltway printed my explanation that children just love to learn.
I know C+ is a programming language, is C- a liberal language for government programs?
Liberals, both Demoncrats and RINO Republicans are all about "Politics". Washington and Americans who work to Conserve this Constitution are all about Statesmanship.
From a reply to a question:Does the Constitution provide this country with its basic foundation for rule of law?
ReplyDelete"Rule of Law" derives in the minds of the Founding Fathers from the Laws of Nature and Nature's God.
Rule of Law is the "Res" in Res Publica, the latin words that compose Republic.
Res is the "object" of the king, or Rex. Res is the authority of the king, or the Rule of Law.
The soldiers in the War for Independence had a rallying cry, "No king but King Jesus."
God's Law are the foundation of this nation, God's Law is the Rule of Law, in simplest terms.
Democracy breaks down into Demos and Cracy, or the Mass of People and Rule, or "Rabble Rule".
Think "Democracy" and think "Rabble Rule", NOT "Rule of Law".
Not just Citizens with Rights in an Organized Social Structure, or Publica, Public, but anyone and everyone - the Rabble.
The above is why I so strongly feel that Republicans especially, but all Americans should remove "Democracy" from the words used to describe our American Constitutional Republic.
isn't Washington responsible for the greatest expansion of federal power ever by virtue of presiding over its original implementation? Did not Washington support Hamilton's concept of establishing a national or federal credit system? Didn't Washington use the federal government to squash the anti-tax Whiskey rebellion? Isn't the Tea Bag just a Republican group astro-turfed through Dick Armey's FreedomWorks (google it)?
ReplyDeleteWhy would anybody read a book you wrote about George Washington? The Washington you imagine ("would approve of our tax parties") bears no resemblence philisophically to the actual man.
ReplyDeleteYou said: "Rule of Law is the "Res" in Res Publica, the latin words that compose Republic.
ReplyDeleteRes is the "object" of the king, or Rex. Res is the authority of the king, or the Rule of Law."
Sorry, man, gotta call you out on your crappy Latin. "Res" is an indefinite word, loosely translated as "thing." "Res Publica" would be "a thing of the people" or, more colloquially, a public matter. Not a single thing kingly about it at all...
Sigh. You make the nun who taught me Latin cry.
Aww comeon GW...why didn't you respond the post from Lee last night? That was me by the way. Is it because I said "Good Day Sir?"
ReplyDeleteThe real George Washington wouldn't be afraid to approve the comments.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you abridging our freedom to comment?
ReplyDelete'Tis been over a week, yet I received a dispatch from my intelligence officer, Major Barney Google, to say this site had been posted for citizens to read in New York...
A quick read through the posts suggests I left a substantive comment without reply. Others who use profanity or utter insanity do not rate a reply...
Geoff said...
J R "States" Manship said...
"How about the part of Rule of Law vs. Rules of Law, (Who hath the gold makes the rules) and the injustice for poor black Americans ...Conservative" to care enough to DO something..."
First, ol' GW sure WAS big on injustice to the black Americans,no?
GW> Yes Geoff, or "Gilbert Stuart", the portrait of GW you "paint" with your words, like Gilbert Stuart's painting with the exaggerated "pucker" about the lips of GW, includes distortions due to your biases. Why? Because Gilbert Stuart assumed a familiarity with GW, that GW corrected, much in the same way as GW did in the more famous incident of the wager between Alexander Hamilton and Governour Morris, where Morris assumed to do a "Hail fellow well met" slap on the back of GW.
Second, why do you fail to address the points brought up by others? I've seen numerous questions that you've simply answered with just the word "Wrong".
ReplyDeleteGW> Many points brought up by looney Libs are not worthy of the time taken to reply. Others I may have missed. As far as I am aware, the comment feature on this blog does not direct reply to the erroneous poster, so I have to cut and paste their comment to provide context for other readers. Takes time and space...
Do you not understand the questions? We can take them down a notch, if it will help you to comprehend: GW = Pro-Tax.
GW> General Washington led a Revolution against high taxes. On the other hand, when the people's elected servants (representatives in Congress) voted a Whiskey Tax, and some in the western regions of PA refused to pay, Washington went on his war horse to display that refusal to pay a just tax was not an option. Big difference between the two situations. Think on these two events to better understand.
GW = Pro-Slave.
GW> Go find the quote of George Washington in August 1799 while living (he died in December 1799) to his nephew and personal secretary Robert Lewis about slavery.
Also know that GW had a "Pioneering for Freedom" program for the "slaves" at Mount Vernon. The deal: Work lands in Ohio for 5 years, get your "Freedom Papers" AND a plot of land at the end. NO TAKERS, believe it or not, life was far more easy for the slaves than for Pioneers, white or black.
And remember, GW freed his slaves in his will. If every other American slave holder had followed his example, then by 1840 or maybe 1850, all the slaves would have been free so America would not have suffered and been bled by Mr. Lincoln's War best described by the New York born professor at San Francisco State, Jeffrey Hummel - "Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men".
GW = Anti-Party. Discuss.
GW> Agreed, GW spoke of the divisive practices of Party. That is why I show the Minuteman grabbing by the scruff of the neck BOTH Demon-Crats and RINO-Republicans to toss them out of government.
GW did and would today support the Conservative philosophy of CONSERVING this Constituion FOR the United States of America.
Third, how much did you make on that Mt. Veron-esque Public Library gig anyway?
GW> My appearance COST ME in time and fuel to get there, though I live very near, still a bit. I received not one George Washington Dollar, nor one George Washington Quarter for my appearance. I was there because I work to CONSERVE this Constitution wherever and whenever I learn of a good opportunity to do so.
Gilbert Stuart.
Mr. Stuart, while your portrait is my least favorite of all the many done, I must commend you on your excellent promotion of your work for it has become the dominant image of me.
I prefer the very fine painting of your daughter that graces the Senate Chamber in Sacramento, California, where the state tree, the California Palm, has the scientific name of "Washingtonia"...